Once again, I'm participating in fiber-centric games on Ravelry. This time its the Tour de Fleece. The basic premise is that roughly 1300 spinners have decided to spin every day the tour rides. The idea is to challenge yourself, expand your horizons, and to do something amazing.
I spun an obscene amount in the first few days of the tour.
4oz. "Cauldron" by Hello Yarn, singles
BlueMeany Laceweight singles, carded by yours truly
8oz. "Field of Screams" by Spunky Eclectic
8oz. "Field of Screams" plied (left) and 8oz. "SuperYarn" plied (right - it's one ply "Cauldron" and one ply "Garland")
And then the night photos began. This is the only one with which I'll torture you right now. Understand that the *yarn* is nice, it's just the *photo* that's terrible.
4oz. "Grunge" by Hello Yarn
Then there was the most fun girls' weekend in Washington, and a back injury...both of which have slowed my progress. I'm also working on a somewhat-secret project that I hope to have descriptions and pictures of here in the next few weeks. And it involves roughly 3 lbs of fiber!
Stay tuned...