Longer answer: Be quiet. My mom reads this too (hi mom!), and she needs pictures of lots of things. Like my garden. Which shall be the subject of today's sentence fragments. That and crocheting. Oh yeah, this is a crocheting blog also. Oh, like there's something you wouldn't do for YOUR mom.
So, as you may have already discerned, I planted a garden this year. I do this every year. It's my annual blood sacrifice to the hungry and vindictive garden deities which likely inhabit North America. I have yet to actually succeed in growing anything of consequence, unless you count the beans I planted last year on the side of the house and then forgot about. Those did nicely.
This year, I'm trying something novel with my garden - namely planting it in the ground. Generally, about this time of year, I manage to convince myself that all the previous years have been a fluke and that I really CAN container garden. Hence the earlier reference to sacrificial offerings. Never mind that. THIS year, Mr. YarnMadeMe and I have spend much of our precious free time digging up a perfectly mostly nice spot in our yard. The original plan was for a 25'x5' garden plot. But that was hard. We went with a more modest 15ish'x4ish'. I think we're going to get some insidious grass invasions, but I'm choosing to ignore that as this juncture. Isn't it pretty? Doesn't it look a lot like a real garden? Enjoy it, this may the last photo taken of it alive.
Oh! I can grow other things too! Usually things that should be strictly classified as weeds, but who cares? Success is success.
Here is the mint that I dug up last winter so that I could make room for something different this spring. I thought I had it pretty well contained. For reference, this was a pretty barren plot until two weeks ago when I planted some innocent little herbs. Then, almost overnight, the mint arrived. What's that you say? You can't make out the basil, cilantro, and parsley amongst the mint? You're probably just not looking hard enough.
Here's the bountiful sage I put out in front of the house. I planted this almost two years ago, and haven't touched it since. That seems to be the secret with me and plants. As long as I don't get too close, it's all okay. Anyhoo, it's flowering and gorgeous right now and making me very happy.
If you look to the right of the sage (which is about 4 feet high - really) you can see the little sprig of thyme I put in about the same time. The lady at the farmer's market said it would spread. And how. It's very tasty.
To complete our garden tour, here's a picture of the hostas we put out back in the shady strip along the patio where nothing will grow. They love it there. Mr. YarnMadeMe takes care of them. You can tell because they still look good.
Now, as promised, something made of yarn!!
I saw this idea somewhere on Ravelry. It's just a giant granny square of yarn scraps and called a blanket. I've become slightly addicted to Noro. This blanket represents approximately $300 worth of Noro so far. That may be a slight exaggeration, but it's not done yet. This will be much easier to grow than anything else I've shown you today, and probably won't die on me. It's a lousy sacrifice, but a pretty wonderful blanket.
Stay tuned. I do have actual yarn content planned for the near future. But for now, it's all about mom. (bye mom!)
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