As you've surely already surmised, gracious reader, I am no kinda photographer. Also, my proofreading skills are pretty lacking, but we'll get to that later.
I'm using flickr for photo-hosting purposes, which is nice, as it seems fairly idiot- (me-) proof. I've even figured out how to edit my mangled attempts at representative photography. Go, me!
So, I thought, in today's post we could join together in looking at past and depressing examples of my yarn photos, so everyone can at least see how far I've come. THEN, we can all gaze upon my newer photos and exclaim "bless her heart, she tries so hard!"
Here we go. Exhibits A and B are actually shockingly (or at least noticeably) different yarns in person. See?
Now, in these next two photos, I've discovered the effectiveness of a white background in making my photos particularly retina-searing. The blue-green yarn is pretty bright in person, but it's got nothing on this photo. The red looks more pink, and less capable of a half-life here on this side of reality. But, hey, at least I'm learning! And, if kindergarten has taught us anything, it's to just try your best.
So, I tried a warmer quality light to tone down the nuclear tendencies...
Then I thought "maybe light from above will work!" You be the judge
So, I moved the whole operation outside. You need natural light to get good pictures, so says the internet. Well, the internet should also tell you that you need a competent photographer... But, hey, they're a little better, yes?
Now we tackle composition and not-horrible-folding-chair-left-in-the-sun-for-years as a background. Closer, but still nothing like the yarn here in real life.
And then it hits me. SNOW! Snow is perfect! It's nature's lightbox! And my husband has a new camera I can appropriate, how could I possibly fail?!?
Ahhhh...that's much better.
Don't get overly excited however. You will still see way more of my fence-as-backdrop than anyone deserves. And, unless my best friend or my dad miraculously moves to Oklahoma to be my photographer, you're going to have to subsist on sub-par photographs at least until next winter. But that's okay, you love me for my personality, right? Right?
No, I've told you before. I will not move to Oklahoma.